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Wednesday, December 31, 2003

a song for the new year 

i thought i'd post a little song today in honor of New Year's. today's selection is "the new year" from the latest album by death cab for cutie. these guys keep getting better with every album.

m and i are on a "vacation at home" right now, and it has been wonderful. we got a lot of video games for christmas, including game cube ones for m's new game cube (another gift), so we've really been living as our 12-year-old selves for the past few days. we went to the asian grocery store on monday to stock up on items for thai food. we made some awesome green curry with coconut milk on monday night. tonight i'm making a roast chicken with lemongrass and ginger. we've been making pad thai almost weekly, so we decided it was time to expand our thai repetoire. and i got a new cookbook stand for christmas that is really coming in handy. we also plan on buying some really good knives with christmas money.

we finally got around to arranging the basement this weekend, since all of my stuff had just been moved into one corner. i still need to go through some boxes, but at least the floor space was cleared. we needed to make room for our pool table (another christmas gift). it's just a small one (7'), and we've enjoyed playing. i play a pretty decent game on the small table. m got into pool when he was at a seminar in november, and asked for a good cue stick for christmas. now he can play almost any time he wants.

the last thing left on our "to do" list is to finally write our wedding thank-yous. it's mostly my fault that this hasn't been done yet, because i just have no idea what to say. i've been told it gets easier after you write like the first 10, so we'll see how that goes. we've gone beyond etiquette, but i guess they're better late than never.

resolutions, anybody? we've got a few. you know, the whole exercise/diet thing and general "better living" stuff like that. and i always set out things to accomplish during the year, usually trying to exercise my creative side. m and i want to take guitar (him) and bass lessons (me) so we can play together in the little "music area" that we created in the basement. and i want to start playing my piano again as well. since i will be traveling a lot next year, i plan on reading more and also tackling the celtic cross-stitch book that i bought this year. i have co-workers who say that cross-stich is a great way to pass the time on a plane. plus i can give out the pieces around the office as christmas gifts next year.

i've also been toying with the idea of learning html again. i was fairly proficient back in '94-95, but then i just let it go. i can figure my way around borrowing code from others, but i want to know it again. so it looks like 2004 will be a fairly ambitious year for me. i'll be working through the hardest parts of a really big project at work, making time for new hobbies, getting/staying in shape, thinking about/preparing for grad school, and enjoying life with m. i can't wait.

happy new year, everybody!!


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